The per­son respon­si­ble accor­ding to Art. 4 para. 7 EU Data Pro­tec­tion Basic Regu­la­tion (DSGVO) is:

Wal­der­see­straße 7 30163 Han­no­ver Deutschland
+49 151 43284760
[email protected]

Coll­ec­tion of ser­ver log data

The use of this web­site includes the coll­ec­tion of date and time of the retrie­val, amount of data trans­fer­red, noti­fi­ca­tion of suc­cessful retrie­val, brow­ser type and ver­sion, the ope­ra­ting sys­tem of the user, refer­rer URL (the pre­viously visi­ted page), IP address and the reques­t­ing provider.

The pro­vi­der uses the log data wit­hout attri­bu­tion to the per­son of the user or other pro­fil­ing in accordance with the legal pro­vi­si­ons only for sta­tis­ti­cal eva­lua­tions for the pur­pose of the ope­ra­tion, secu­rity and opti­mi­sa­tion of the online offer. This data is dele­ted auto­ma­ti­cally. Howe­ver, the pro­vi­der reser­ves the right to sub­se­quently check the log data if there is a jus­ti­fied sus­pi­cion of unlawful use due to con­crete indi­ca­ti­ons. The pro­ces­sing of the data is based on Art. 6 I lit. f) DSGVO and ser­ves our legi­ti­mate inte­rest for trou­ble­shoo­ting and tech­ni­cal provision.

Coll­ec­tion and use of per­so­nal data

The pro­ces­sing of this data is car­ried out for the fol­lo­wing purposes:

  • to estab­lish the con­nec­tion to the web­site of the com­pany expeditiously,
  • .
  • to enable a user-fri­endly appli­ca­tion of the web­site, to detect and ensure the secu­rity and sta­bi­lity of the sys­tems and
  • .
  • to faci­li­tate and improve the admi­nis­tra­tion of the website.

The pro­ces­sing is expressly not car­ried out for the pur­pose of gai­ning know­ledge about the per­son of the visi­tor to the website.

Data for­war­ding to third parties

Per­so­nal data will be trans­fer­red to third par­ties if

  • accor­ding to Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 let­ter a) DSGVO by the data sub­ject expressly con­sen­ted to this,
  • .
  • for the data trans­fer accor­ding to Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 lit. c) DSGVO a legal obli­ga­tion exists, and/or
  • .
  • this is neces­sary for the per­for­mance of a con­trac­tual rela­ti­onship with the data sub­ject pur­su­ant to Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 let­ter b) DSGVO.

In other cases, per­so­nal data will not be dis­c­lo­sed to third parties.



We use “coo­kies” as part of our online offer. Coo­kies are small files that are stored on the user’s com­pu­ter and can store infor­ma­tion for pro­vi­ders. Tem­po­rary coo­kies are dele­ted after clo­sing the brow­ser, per­ma­nent coo­kies remain for a spe­ci­fied period of time and can pro­vide the stored infor­ma­tion when the online offer is cal­led up again.


Coo­kies are used on the one hand to faci­li­tate the use of the ser­vice. For exam­ple, a coo­kie stores the shop­ping cart sta­tus of a user.


The user can influence the use of coo­kies. Most brow­sers have an option with which the sto­rage of coo­kies is limi­ted or com­ple­tely pre­ven­ted. Pro­vi­der stri­ves to design the online offer so that the use of coo­kies is not neces­sary. Howe­ver, it is poin­ted out that the use and espe­ci­ally the com­fort of use wit­hout coo­kies will be limited.


The data pro­ces­sed by coo­kies are jus­ti­fied for the above pur­po­ses by con­sent to use accor­ding to Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 let­ter a) DSGVO.


iw_allowed_cookie_idsdiese DomainSpei­chert wel­chen Coo­kies zuge­stimmt wurde1 year(s)HTML
iw_http2_pusheddiese DomainZur Per­for­mance­op­ti­mie­rung14 day(s)HTTP
iw_optional_cookies_statusdiese DomainZur Abspei­che­rung der gewähl­ten Ein­stel­lung des Cookiebanners1 year(s)HTTP


_pk_id_MatomoWird ver­wen­det, um einige Details über den Benut­zer zu spei­chern, wie z.B. die ein­deu­tige Besucher-ID1 year(s), 25 day(s)HTTP
_pk_ses.MatomoWird ver­wen­det zur Spei­che­rung der Zuwei­sungs­in­for­ma­tio­nen, die der Refer­rer ursprüng­lich zum Besuch der Web­site ver­wen­det hat5 month(s), 29 day(s)HTTP


Diese Web­site nutzt Matomo (ehe­mals Piwik) als Web­ana­ly­se­dienst der Inno­Craft Ltd., 150 Wil­lis St, 6011 Wel­ling­ton, New Zea­land, NZBN 6106769, („Matomo“) mit­hilfe von Coo­kies. Wir haben Matomo so ein­ge­rich­tet, dass ihre IP Adresse aus­schließ­lich anony­mi­siert und somit gekürzt erfasst wird auf von uns betrie­be­nen Ser­vern. Es ist uns damit nicht mög­lich Rück­schlüsse auf Ihre Per­son zu schließen. 

Wei­tere Infor­ma­tio­nen zum Daten­schutz und die Nut­zungs­be­din­gun­gen von Matomo fin­den Sie hier:

Google Fonts (über die Web­site eingebunden)

On this web­site Google Fonts are used to dis­play the font. This is a ser­vice of Google LLC, 1600 Amphi­theatre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043 USA, her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as Google. 
We make Google Fonts available directly via this web­site. This means that no con­nec­tion to Google’s ser­vers needs to be estab­lished and no pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data takes place.

Pri­vacy policy for the use of the cont­act form

The cont­act form of this web­site is used exclu­si­vely for pro­ces­sing your requests and the neces­sary tech­ni­cal admi­nis­tra­tion. The resul­ting data will not be dis­c­lo­sed to third par­ties. You can object to the use of the data at any time or revoke your con­sent for the future. In this case, the data will be dele­ted imme­dia­tely. The pro­ces­sing takes place on the basis of your con­sent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR.

You can inform yours­elf about the coll­ec­ted data at any time by tele­phone and e‑mail. Your data will also be dele­ted if we have pro­ces­sed your request or if the coll­ec­tion of the data is inad­mis­si­ble for other legal reasons.

For more infor­ma­tion on per­so­nal data and data pro­tec­tion, please refer to the other points of this pri­vacy policy.

Cloud­flare Turnstile

Cloud­flare Turn­stile (a ser­vice of Cloud­flare, Inc., 101 Town­send St, San Fran­cisco, CA 94107, USA) is an auto­ma­ted detec­tion ser­vice that helps us verify whe­ther the request was sent by a human or a bot. This detec­tion is neces­sary to pre­vent spam messages. 

We use Turn­stile to ensure the secure use of the cont­act form. The legal basis for this type of data pro­ces­sing is our legi­ti­mate inte­rest in the secure ope­ra­tion of the cont­act form, Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO. 

Cloud­flare pro­ces­ses their IP to Cloudflare’s ser­vers during this query for veri­fi­ca­tion. Cloud­flare pro­ces­ses the data on our behalf on the basis of a com­mis­sion pro­ces­sing agree­ment bet­ween us and Cloud­flare. This ensu­res that the data pro­ces­sing on our behalf is car­ried out in accordance with the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­tion while gua­ran­te­e­ing the pro­tec­tion of the rights of the data sub­jects. It may hap­pen that the IP address is trans­fer­red to Cloudflare’s Ame­ri­can ser­vers. In this case, the stan­dard con­trac­tual clau­ses agreed bet­ween us and Cloud­flare to safe­guard their rights will also apply.


You have the right to object to this data pro­ces­sing at any time, in which case, you may no lon­ger be able to use the cont­act form.

Cloud­flare has sub­mit­ted to the Pri­vacy Shield Agree­ment bet­ween the Euro­pean Union and the USA and has been cer­ti­fied. cloud­flare ther­eby under­ta­kes to com­ply with the stan­dards and regu­la­ti­ons of Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion law. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion can be found in the list of Pri­va­cys­hield par­ti­ci­pants lin­ked below: Pri­vacy Shield Par­ti­ci­pants

You can find more infor­ma­tion about the data pro­tec­tion of the third party pro­vi­der on the fol­lo­wing web­site: here 

Your rights as an affec­ted person

With regard to the data pro­ces­sing lis­ted here, you are entit­led to various data sub­ject rights, which are regu­la­ted in the GDPR.

Right of access

First of all, you have the right to obtain infor­ma­tion about your data trans­mit­ted to us and pro­ces­sed by us (Art. 15 DSGVO)


Right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion, era­sure and restriction


In addi­tion, you can request the rec­ti­fi­ca­tion (Art. 16 DSGVO), era­sure (Art. 17 DSGVO) and rest­ric­tion (Art. 18 DSGVO) of your data.

Right to data por­ta­bi­lity and right to object


You also have a right to data por­ta­bi­lity (Art. 20 DSGVO) as well as a right to object (Art. 21 DSGVO)


Right to lodge a complaint


Wit­hout pre­ju­dice to any other admi­nis­tra­tive or judi­cial remedy, you also have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a data pro­tec­tion super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity. For this pur­pose, you can cont­act the data pro­tec­tion super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity of your usual place of resi­dence or of our regis­tered office.

Sta­tus and Update of this Pri­vacy Policyen

This Pri­vacy Policy is cur­rent as of 05.12.2023 We reserve the right to update the Pri­vacy Policy in due course in order to improve data pro­tec­tion and/or to adapt it to chan­ges in offi­cial prac­tice or case law