In a world that is con­stantly chan­ging, no one should be left behind. Espe­ci­ally not when the solu­tion is so clear and inge­nious. MOXI has reco­gni­zed this vision and is taking action: For pati­ents and peo­ple with disa­bi­li­ties, we are buil­ding the bridge to mobi­lity that ever­yone is entit­led to.

With a clear focus on sim­pli­city and inno­va­tion, we don’t just get peo­ple from A to B, we touch lives. MOXI stands for mobi­lity that gives ever­yone the fee­ling of being seen and heard. We invite you to become part of this moving vision. A simple step that makes a big difference.


In today’s world, the call for sus­tainable and soci­ally respon­si­ble solu­ti­ons is get­ting lou­der and lou­der. MOXI is not only respon­ding to this, but also set­ting stan­dards. By digi­ta­li­zing and opti­mi­zing pati­ent trans­port, we not only reduce unneces­sary jour­neys and wai­ting times, but also signi­fi­cantly reduce our car­bon foot­print. Every jour­ney with MOXI is a con­tri­bu­tion to pro­tec­ting our planet.
But our com­mit­ment does not end with envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. MOXI reco­gni­zes the social importance of relia­ble mobi­lity. Espe­ci­ally for pati­ents and peo­ple with limi­ted mobi­lity, a relia­ble trans­por­ta­tion ser­vice can make a world of dif­fe­rence. It’s about more than just move­ment; it’s about par­ti­ci­pa­tion, about empowe­ring indi­vi­du­als and communities.
With MOXI, you are not only choo­sing an effi­ci­ent mode of trans­por­ta­tion, but also sup­port­ing an initia­tive that takes both envi­ron­men­tal and social respon­si­bi­lity seriously. Tog­e­ther we are sha­ping a gree­ner, more inclu­sive future.


There for you in the heart of Europe!

In the fast-paced world of tech­no­logy and mobi­lity, it is important for us to be both digi­tally and phy­si­cally pre­sent for our cus­to­mers. That’s why we are proud to be repre­sen­ted at seve­ral key loca­ti­ons in Europe to always offer you the best pos­si­ble service.
No mat­ter where you are, MOXI is always close by to meet your mobi­lity needs. The MOXI plat­form is available nati­on­wide, so ever­yone in Ger­many can bene­fit from our platform.


Our head­quar­ters in the bea­ting heart of Ger­many is the hub from which we take our vision of inclu­sive and sus­tainable mobi­lity out into the world.


The City of Lights is home to our dyna­mic team who are pas­sio­nate about rea­li­zing our mis­sion in France.


As an important tech­no­logy and inno­va­tion hub, Hano­ver is home to one of our stra­te­gic loca­ti­ons from which we per­fect the inter­play bet­ween tech­no­logy and human needs.


Here, in the heart of Bran­den­burg, we are enthu­si­a­sti­cally com­mit­ted to ensu­ring that the bene­fits of the digi­tal revo­lu­tion are acces­si­ble to everyone.


Your future at MOXI!

Would you like to help shape the mobi­lity revo­lu­tion and help rea­lize our vision of a sus­tainable and inclu­sive world? Your chance is wai­ting. Dis­co­ver career oppor­tu­ni­ties at MOXI and become part of our dyna­mic team! 🚀🌱🤝 #MakeThe­Dif­fe­rence #Team­M­oxi