MOXI sim­pli­fies pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion for health insu­rance com­pa­nies. Insu­red per­sons and medi­cal faci­li­ties can send pre­scrip­ti­ons directly to the health insu­rance com­pany via our sys­tem. We opti­mize the veri­fi­ca­tion effort, cal­cu­late mileage loca­ti­ons based on cur­rent traf­fic con­di­ti­ons and always sel­ect the most cost-effec­tive trans­port option. MOXI impro­ves the effi­ci­ency of your pro­ces­ses, saves time and resour­ces and offers insu­red per­sons a seam­less and cost-effec­tive mobi­lity solu­tion. Sim­plify your pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion with MOXI.


Appr­oval processes

Health insu­rance com­pa­nies are faced with the chall­enge of ensu­ring effi­ci­ent pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion. This often requi­res time-con­sum­ing appr­oval pro­ces­ses for pre­scrip­ti­ons and the cal­cu­la­tion of tra­vel costs in line with cur­rent trans­port conditions.

Exami­na­tion of the documents

The veri­fi­ca­tion and sett­le­ment of trans­por­ta­tion costs can be com­plex and requi­res close moni­to­ring to ensure that the cor­rect amounts are reim­bur­sed. This admi­nis­tra­tive effort can tie up resour­ces and affect efficiency.

Sel­ec­tion of means of transportation

In addi­tion, sel­ec­ting the most cost-effec­tive trans­por­ta­tion option is often a chall­enge. Health insu­rance com­pa­nies are loo­king for solu­ti­ons to mini­mize the admi­nis­tra­tive bur­den while ensu­ring smooth pati­ent transport.


Effi­ci­ent pre­scrip­tion processing

MOXI offers an inno­va­tive solu­tion to over­come the chal­lenges of pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion for health insu­rance com­pa­nies. Our plat­form makes it pos­si­ble to easily send pre­scrip­ti­ons for pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion to health insu­rance com­pa­nies via the sys­tem of pati­ents or medi­cal faci­li­ties. This signi­fi­cantly sim­pli­fies the appr­oval pro­cess and speeds up processing.

Cost opti­miza­tion and transparency

MOXI also cal­cu­la­tes the tra­vel costs based on the cur­rent traf­fic situa­tion. This ensu­res that health insu­rance com­pa­nies always sel­ect the most eco­no­mical trans­por­ta­tion option. Our plat­form offers trans­pa­rency and effi­ci­ency in cost accoun­ting, which signi­fi­cantly redu­ces the admi­nis­tra­tive burden.

Mini­mize test­ing effort

MOXI sup­ports health insu­rance com­pa­nies in mini­mi­zing the time and effort spent on audi­ting and free­ing up resour­ces. Through the intel­li­gent use of data and tech­no­logy, we help to make pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion seam­less and cost-effi­ci­ent. Our solu­tion is desi­gned to opti­mize health insu­r­ers’ ope­ra­ti­ons while impro­ving the qua­lity of care.

Impro­ving the qua­lity of care

With MOXI, health insu­rance com­pa­nies can suc­cessfully over­come the chal­lenges asso­cia­ted with pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion and offer their poli­cy­hol­ders an effi­ci­ent and relia­ble ser­vice. We are proud to con­tri­bute to the impro­ve­ment of the health­care sys­tem in Ger­many and to sup­port health insu­rance com­pa­nies in their important work.


Handle your pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion and bil­ling via MOXI to increase ser­vice qua­lity and reduce costs at the same time.

MOXI stands for a nati­on­wide pati­ent trans­por­ta­tion solu­tion that con­nects pati­ents and medi­cal faci­li­ties with pro­fes­sio­nal trans­por­ta­tion ser­vices. We are proud to offer our ser­vice to insu­red per­sons throug­hout Ger­many and are open to working with health insu­rance com­pa­nies who wish to offer their insu­red per­sons a modern and effi­ci­ent trans­por­ta­tion ser­vice. We are happy to dis­cuss indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments, con­di­ti­ons and terms of coope­ra­tion in a per­so­nal mee­ting. Our plat­form and our team are ready to meet your spe­ci­fic needs and deve­lop a cus­to­mi­zed solu­tion together.